
fashion gets political, and you should too.

Today, I went back through my September issue of Vogue to read the stories (because, of course, the first time around all any girl does--as far as I know--is look at the pictures) and found the most interesting feature. Several people associated with this issue of the magazine were asked what they anticipated most about the upcoming election. Each answer varied, and I saw traces of both sarcasm, in some, and serious calls for change in others.

However, the most inspiring response came from photographer, Arthur Elgort, that said what excited him most was 'To exercise [his] right to vote.'

I completely agree. This is my first presidential election that I have ever had the chance to vote in, and the first time I've voted whatsoever. Although I definitely have my opinions, I think that no matter which candidate you choose, it is important to understand how much power each one of us has.

1 comment:

outandaboutaustin said...

Good to give specifics. Why not link to the online version of the story?