
Free Improv Classes...

While I'm searching for events to cover for my first journalism story, I am coming across new and exciting things to do in Austin that I would have never taken advantage of. My latest discovery?

ColdTowne Theatre in North Austin is ending their free weekend on Monday, 9/8/08, with free improv classes! ColdTowne is offering their Improv 101 class, which starts at 7pm, completely free of charge! So, unless you are going to be in a 3-hour class Monday night, why not try something new? The Onion has called ColdTowne's classes "some of the city's most intense improv classes."

If you want more information (including directions), visit ColdTowne's website at http://coldtownetheater.com/. It's filled with descriptions about the different classes they offer and a schedule of upcoming performances.

All of you...one of you...someone go! Try it out and let me know how it goes.

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