
"She needed it."

Leave it to Perez Hilton to hit the entertainment nail on the head. During the VMA Postshow, Perez Hilton was asked what he thought of Britney Spear's winning her first, second, and third Moon Man all in one night. He went on to answer that he was in fact part of the VMA voting committee and had voted for Britney because "she needed it." So true! You deserved it Britney. It was great to see MTV letting Britney Spears know that her transformation has not gone unnoticed and she will always be a great entertainer.

As for the rest of the Awards? Boring. The return to LA meant a noticeable downsize from the Radio City Music Hall, which is where the Awards are usually held. The small crowd led to low energy and except for the host, Russell Brand, there was no humor, no surprises, no excitement.

The highlight moment for me happened within the first 10 minutes: Russel Brand went on a great rant about virginity. He took a stab at Sarah Palin's daughter, the Jonas Brothers, and even Michael Jackson. I'm currently searching for the clip, but MTV is constantly taking their videos off YouTube. I guarantee you can turn on MTV anytime over the next week and the VMAs will be on, just try not to fall asleep after minute 11.


Leslie said...

This old lady missed the whole thing! I will have to look for the reruns when I need a nap!

Unknown said...

Gee Celeste I don't even know who Perez Hilton is....
Hey did your mom tell you to renew your subscription to "InStyle" magazine? I'll just keep ya'll posted!