
15 Days Until a New "First"

There's only 15 days left before the biggest presidential election many of us have ever seen. And for most people my age, this is the first election we have ever been eligible to vote in.

But even with that in mind, many people are forgetting that Barack Obama isn't the only person bringing "change." Regardless of whom you vote for, or even if you vote, history is about to be made. The question is, which professors will be adding another chapter into their textbook? African American Studies or Feminist Perspectives?

Really, it's just one more thing to think about. In 15 days, America will have chosen either the first black President or the first woman Vice-President. The First. Ever. And we are here to see it.

All I can say is that I have already taken American Women's History, and I think that textbook is just fine for now (no need to start writing any additions).

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