
Recap: Celebrity Not-So-Gossip

I first heard that Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were both found murdered in their home on Friday.

Then I hear reports that her nephew, Julian, was missing, but policed hope to find him alive, which could have certainly been a possibility since he was taken from the house in the first place.

However, Monday morning, police found Julian's body in the back seat of an abandoned Suburban.

Now, the police have found a gun that may have been used in the killings near where Julian was found. And along with this, they suspect there may have been two individuals involved in this crime.

Right now, as far as the public knows, Jennifer Hudson's estranged brother-in-law, William Balfour, is the only known suspect, and hopefully they have the right man. It would be horrible for this to drag out any longer than it has for Jennifer and her sister's sake.

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